The intimate field plays an important role in a man’s life. And we’re not just discussing reproductive (breeding) or recreational (relaxation and pleasure) functions. The strength of male potential significantly increases self -esteem, and therefore, the general psychological state, that is, it gives a feeling of psychological well -being. It is no wonder that the most important and powerful deities of all pagan cultures are depicted with large phallus.

Although centuries have passed since the days of paganism, high libido is still considered a mandatory trait of men, and "impotence" is almost the most terrible insult. Unfortunately, due to many factors, sexual dysfunction occurs more frequently, and this is practically unrelated to age - even twenty -year -old boys can fall victim to the disease.
Losing your masculine strength - what is the reason?
The potential for decline is very painful for men’s self -esteem. Unfortunately, in our time, no one is immune from this specter. It is believed that the main causes of this phenomenon are prostatitis and genital tumors, however, in most cases, the reasons are much more trivial:
- poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency
- unhealthy lifestyles and bad habits
- lack of physical activity
- stress, fear and self -doubt
- overwork

Surely 9 out of 10 men will find all these things in their lives. But none require drug treatment, which means that the potential increase can be achieved on its own. Often half of health problems can be solved by revising your lifestyle: playing sports, switching to proper nutrition and minimizing stressful situations.
Torture at work - change it, problems with your wife - talk heart -to -heart or go to a family therapist. In the end, change your attitude to the situation and remember what really matters, and the rest with the motto "so what. "

Probably the only thing you can’t do without connecting additional sources is to replenish the body with vitamins. Unfortunately, most vitamins are not produced in our body, but only come from the outside. And with food it is impossible to get the required amount (unless, of course, you are ready to absorb two and a half lemons or three hundred grams of garlic per day, for example). Therefore, absolutely everyone, both men and women, young and old, is strongly advised to take vitamins daily in addition to food.
The most abundant male vitamins
Because of their faster metabolism, compared to women, men have their own "masculine" characteristics: they are initially physically stronger, more durable, more frequent in need of sexual intercourse. But the same accelerated metabolism also has a detrimental effect: organ aging occurs faster, the risk of cardiovascular pathology increases. Therefore, in order to keep all bodily functions at the right level, representatives of the strong human half should pay attention to the following vitamins.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)
- Improves body tone, which slows down aging in general and helps maintain energy
- It eliminates excess cholesterol (which means reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system caused by it) and generally has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.
- Participating in the production of testosterone and many other hormones, which contribute to a good erection, is needed to improve sperm quality
- Double unsaturated acids increase sexual drive in men
Available in all types of vegetable oils, nuts, legumes, green onions, celery and egg yolks.
Vitamin A (retinol)
- Stimulates hormone production (especially testosterone)
- Reduces the risk of contracting various infections
- Very good for eyesight

The highest content in carrots and pumpkin, apricots, parsley and spinach.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
- Reduces the negative effects of nicotine and alcohol
- Improves immunity and excellent prevention of inflammation (e. g. prostate gland)
- Normalizes blood pressure and reduces the chances of cardiovascular disease
- Increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation (as well as the genitals)
- Participates in the synthesis of male hormones
Available in citrus, cabbage, carrots, parsley, and green onions.
Vitamin B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12)
- Supports the rate of cell metabolism and oxygenation
- They are very important in brain function. A well -functioning brain means the good work of all organs.
- Responsible for cell division, i. e. the renewal of the body (especially the liver)
- Participate in the synthesis of DNA molecules, which improve sperm quality
- Promotes the production of hormones, including testosterone

Found in sea fish, dairy products, nuts, legumes, carrots and brewer's yeast.
Vitamin group D (D2, D3)
- Promotes calcium absorption, which makes bones and nails stronger
- Increases testosterone production
Mostly found in fish oil. These are found in large quantities in milk and seafood, quail eggs.
Some micronutrients are important
- Zinc
This is a real building block for male potency, because without it testosterone molecules cannot be formed. Also, this trace element has a positive effect on sperm motility. Found in fish and seafood, nuts, garlic and egg yolks.
- Selenium
From its deficiency, male potency will not only decrease, but infertility can also develop. Available in foods similar to zinc, plus tomatoes and corn.

When there are vitamins in the body in the required amount, it will be immediately visible: shiny hair, radiant skin, a body full of energy. Unfortunately, nature for some reason does not give us the ability to produce it ourselves, so scientists have to make synthetic vitamins. And now there are many different vitamin complexes, even specialized ones - to increase male potency.
Therefore, if you see a decrease in sexual desire, a decline in strength and constant fatigue, you should definitely do physical activity and drink vitamins for men. Take care of yourself!